Union members aren’t the only ones hurt when labor’s slice of the workforce pie gets smaller, a report confirms. In fact, research by the Economic Policy Institute shows all workers today are making less than…

By James P. Hoffa. ​Published in the Detroit News. The U.S. is entering a new era with a new president. And the Teamsters will roll up our sleeves and continue to create an economy that…

Six-Year Contract Puts Teamsters, Including Local 781 in Illinois, at Top of Industry Mechanics at United Airlines stations across the nation ratified a six-year National Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement with the company today after more…

International Vice Presidents, International Trustees Also Elected International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa, General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall, International Vice Presidents At-Large, International Trustees and International Vice Presidents in the Eastern, Southern and Central…

Infrastructure, Trade, Retirement Security Are Common Interests The following is a statement from Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa about the election of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States: “On…