Local 710 Members Unite to Secure Strong Seniority Rights, Wage Increases Nearly 900 Jewel warehouse workers and drivers in the Chicagoland area decisively ratified new five-year contracts on March 6 as members of Teamsters Local…

Local 330 Representatives Successfully Settle Grievance, Protect Seniority A relief driver with Great Lake Coca-Cola Distribution recently secured $2,000 in back pay after Teamsters Local 330 fought to protect his seniority rights at work. Local…

Local 734 Members Hold Steady to Win New Rights, Better Wages After more than four years of unity, patience and perseverance, delivery drivers at Labriola Baking Company unanimously ratified their first Teamster contract on Feb.…

By Colonel David Sutherland President, Sutherland Partnerhip, Inc. and Chairman, Easter Seals Dixon Center It’s time to break down the myth that service members who get out of the military will find employment right away.…

President Beecher of Local 142 Ready to Help Group Continue Growing As 2016 begins, the Teamsters Joint Council 25 Women’s Committee is setting its sights on another successful year aimed at growth, participation and education…